Project Name: Resources Database and Directory (RDD)


Total Budget: Tk 2,19,000

Staff: Two

Duration: 2004

Working Area: Khagrachari District

Participants : Communities throughout Khagrachari District

Project Purpose:To assist the development of a Resource Database and Directory, through identifying and recording the ‘best practices’ for community development currently practiced in the Chittagong Hill Tracts

Project Summary: RDD aimed to develop a database and directory of current community development activities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, including ‘best practices’ and lessons learned. The database and directory were intended to act as a resource for future development activities in the region.

TUS worked together with UNDP-CHTDF staff to collect data, and identify, visit and assess ‘best practices’ and development opportunities throughout Khagrachari District. Areas covered included agriculture and natural resource management practices, the environment, health, education, community empowerment and participation, small infrastructure development, and enterprise and employment creation.

Through RDD, a best practices handbook has been established, acting as a guide for organisations and individuals interested in development programmes in the CHT.

Reference Contact Details:
Heli Uusikyla
Field Manager
United Nations Development Programme –
Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility
Rajbari Road, Rangamati
Telephone: 0351-61801-5