Project Name: Non-Formal Primary Education Program

Donor: BRAC

Implemented By: TUS

Total Budget: Tk 4,00,000

Staff: Twelve (male three, female nine)

Duration: January 2001 to December 2003

Working Area: Matiranga and Khagrachari Sadar Upazilas

Participants : Approximately 300 children and their families

Project Purpose:
To increase access to quality education for children in remote areas

Project Summary: Through NFPE, TUS worked to develop ten non-formal primary schools, and increase opportunities for education for children and communities in remote areas.

TUS facilitated the formation of School Management Committees (SMCs) and Parents’ Committees, working together with local communities to ensure their participation in, and ownership over, the schools’ development.

TUS staff provided training to SMC members, ensuring they had a sound understanding of their roles and responsibilities. TUS staff supported the SMCs and Parents’ Committees to hold monthly and quarterly meetings, and monitor and develop their local schools, including around issues of student attendance, teacher recruitment, and quality education.

TUS also played a supportive role in building the schools, recruiting qualified staff, and enrolling students. Through NFPE, approximately 300 children gained access to quality education during the project period.

Reference Contact Details:
Sumil Kumar Ghose (Programme Coordinator)
75 Mohakali
Dhaka – 1212
Telephone: 02-9881265