Project Name: Expanded Food Assistance Programme (EFA)

Donor: World Food Program/p>

Total Budget: Tk 1,100,000

Staff: Five

Duration: One year (2001)

Working Area: Four Unions in Matiranga Upazila, Khagrachari

Participants : 1200

Project Purpose:
To assist sustainable socio-economic development of the rural ultra-poor. Specific project objectives were:
• to contribute to the reduction of poverty by promoting socio-economic progress;
• to mobilise sustainable livelihoods activities with rural ultra-poor;
• to make awareness on healthcare;
• to provide education on savings management;
• to build-awareness on income-generation activities.

Project Summary: Through EFA, TUS provided training to 1200 community members from Matiranga Upazila. All of the participants were receiving ongoing support from the World Food Programme, through its Livelihood Support Intervention and Road Maintenance activities.

TUS worked to raise participants’ awareness on, and understanding of, three main topics: health; savings management; and income-generation activities.

Over five months, TUS staff provided training on health and savings management to 1184 men and women in Matiranga. Through the trainings, TUS introduced participants to ideas of basic nutrition, hygiene and disease prevention, and simple steps they could take to improve the health of themselves and their children. Ideas of savings management helped participants to understand the importance of regularly saving small amounts, and the difference this money can make to their lives and livelihoods.

Through training on income-generation activities, 1167 men and women increased their knowledge of selecting, planning and managing income-generation activities, including basic accounting and savings principles. Building on discussions of savings management in the first training, the income-generation activities workshops helped participants to consolidate their understanding of ways to increase their incomes, and better support themselves and their families.

Reference Contact Details:
Rita Chakma
CHT Unit Officer
World Food Program
TNT Area, Rangamati, 4500