Environment & Natural Resource Management

Community-Managed Water Supply and Sanitation Project – Phase Two (CMWSP)

In each of the 52 villages in which we work, we have mobilised communities to form ‘Village Development Working Groups’ (VDWG), responsible for identifying community water and sanitation needs, carrying out awareness-raising activities, and installing new water and sanitation facilities....

Community Action on Natural Resource Management for Decent Living (CANDL)

Through CANDL, 60 ‘Self-Help Groups’ have been created in Khagrachari Sadar and Panchari Upazilas, each focusing on one type of income-generation activity: nursery development, agro-processing, or handicrafts creation. With TUS help, group members work to grow, process or create products...

Protection and Promotion of Natural Resource Management Systems in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (PPNRM)

Through PPNRM, TUS supports the formation and activities of ‘Para Development Committees’ (PDCs), village-based organisations responsible for leading development activities and the protection of natural resources in their communities. PPNRM works with PDCs and community and traditional leaders in the area...

Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project – Community Development Component (CHTRDP)

TUS mobilised communities and local leaders to form Community Development Committees (CDCs), Union-based committees. TUS provided ongoing support to CDCs, helping them to identify the needs of local communities, and plan and implement activities to bring changes to their lives and livelihoods....