Project Name: Community-Managed Water and Sanitation Supply Program for the Rural Poor Communities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts – Phase One (CMWSP)

Donor: NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation

Total Budget: Tk. 252,000

Staff: One

Duration: July 2004 to June 2007

Working Area: Seven villages of Perachara Union, Khagrachari Sadar Upazilla.

Participants: 300 households.

Project Purpose: ‘To improve the health systems of poor communities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts through preventing waterborne diseases’

Project Summary: CMWSP worked to develop sustainable water and sanitation programmes, managed and owned by communities. TUS worked with communities, building their capacity to ensure their ability to access safe water and sanitation facilities in the future.
TUS undertook a series of awareness-raising programmes, using a variety of methods including courtyard meetings, people’s theatre, and day observation and campaign rallies. Project staff worked to ensure communities had an understanding of waterborne diseases, safe use of latrines, sourcing and preservation of safe drinking water, and encouraged them to make changes in their behaviour to improve their health. TUS also worked to ensure that communities had access to the safe water and sanitation facilities they needed to improve their health.
In remote and hilly areas, ring-wells and rainwater harvesting systems were installed, allowing communities to access safe drinking water. Latrine rings and commodes were built and distributed amongst communities, to improve their access to safe sanitation facilities. To allow communities easy access to the equipment needed to construct own latrine rings and commodes, a Village Service Centre was established, providing rings and slabs at affordable prices.

To ensure the long-term use of the water and sanitation facilities, TUS provided trainings on the construction and maintenance of the facilities, along with relevant maintenance equipment. In addition, it worked with community leaders, providing support on programme management and decision-making, ensuring that the constructed water and sanitation facilities were based on community needs. Through CMWSP activities, two project villages achieved ‘100% sanitation coverage’.
Throughout the project working area, communities increased their awareness of water and sanitation issues, and increased their access to safe technologies and facilities, helping them to improve their health.

In addition, to mark the International Year of Sanitation 2008, TUS, in conjunction with the NGO Forum, organised a three-day 'Water and Sanitation Fair' from February 28 to March 1, at Khagrachari Government High School Field. With the slogan 'Sanitation for Good Health and a Healthy Environment', the Fair aimed to raise awareness of sanitation issues in Khagrachari. Attended by villagers, school children, other local NGOs and government officials, it included information-displays, discussion sessions, video-documentary showings, and a cultural programme. TUS displayed information about its own work, including displays of technology used for CMWSP-CHT activities.

Reference Contact Details:

Rafiqul Islam Majumdar
CHT Unit Officer
NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation
Rajbari, Rangamati-4500
Telephone: 0351-62981